Erudition by Tommy Ross
The World's Greatest...
These are finest short films from around the world lovingly curated for your enjoyment. Don't miss this program if you are a serious cinema fan.
Also Includes:
Unforgotten - Alexander Wilson-Flynn
An elderly man near the end of his life passes lonely days in an old folk's home writing letters to an old friend.
Solitude - Michael Raso. Margaret spends each day visiting her local train station. The staff are aware of her presence and give her something significant in an envelope...
Scale - Brian Siskind. A non-narrative documentary featuring world-renowned Australian muralist Guido van Helten.
Kick Tac -Félix Farny. A watchmaker has a brush with death and a new neighbor.
Dialogue - Gabor Fabricius. A dream sequence of a wonderful encounter of blacks and whites.
Revelation - the City of Haze Lu Sun - An amazing Chinese animated film.
Apogee - Megan Gray. A woman makes a very difficult decision.
Tickets:(800) 838-3006