Around The World...
Four films that take you around the world to visit different cultures, broaden your horizons, and expand your mind. Program director, Richard Burnsed calls this one of his favorite programs!
Falsified - Ashley Tabatabai
The story of a man searching for his son.
Immaculate Misconception - Michael Geoghegan
Belief, family and honor. Sinead, underage, pregnant and a virgin, lives with her grandparents. Her grandmother, the matriarch of this dysfunctional family and a pious Catholic, will stop at nothing to get this birth proclaimed immaculate.
The Incident - Meedo Taha
At a bus stop near Beirut, a veiled Lebanese woman and a migrant Syrian worker get in a tumultuous moment and are arrested, each with her version of the truth.
Locked In - Nadira Murray
Tickets:(800) 838-3006