CFF Presents: Assistant Director

On a full-scale crew, you will find multiple ADs: a 1st AD, 2nd AD, a second 2nd AD, and a 3rd (Trainee) AD. Each one forms a link in the chain of command from the director down to the individual departments. Taken as a whole, the purpose of the AD team is to hash out the shooting schedule, create and distribute call sheets, relay orders from the director, and keep everyone informed and on time.  They’re masters of communication and addressing problems before they boil over. Having at least one AD on your team will guarantee a smoother shoot.

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  • Hi Guys, We will be shooting a short horror film in June. It will be a Saturday and Sunday, specific dates TBD. The location will be in Sacramento, address soon to be confirmed. Looking for a 1st AD to help me out with the shoot. This is a non-paying, non-union role. The film will be posted on YouTube. Please reply to if you are interested and for more details.
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