Trailer for film When You Leave:enny Stark's lovely daydream of a movie is set in the SacramentoRiver Delta. It's not the California people dream about. But if youcould look inside all those California dreams, you'd find the Deltainside. Dammed, piped, pumped, and channeled. The plumbing.It's no accident that, midway through the film, Stark's lens lingersfor a moment on a book in the window of an antiques shop: Hal Roth's"After 50,000 Miles." A book that tells you how to cross the ocean ina boat of your own. An instruction manual for escaping this continent,and this Delta, and the California dreams that have been sucked dry bythe big cities and the industrial farms. But for every sailor on thehigh seas, there are the folks he's left behind. A little brother anda single mother who love him, but who know he has to leave.-- Bill Brown, Filmmaker
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