Pow! Film & Comic Art Collide @ CrockerCon


Amazing Illustrators, Artists Populate Crocker-Con

There were some amazing artists, illustrators and musicians on display at the recent Crocker-con event, held at the Iconic Crocker Art Museum...Forgive! I kept calling it "Crocker-Tron" (Confusing the mascot with the event).

But film makers, take note! As you search for visual cues and iconography for your films you need look no further than your own back-yard. In the video above we interview just a couple of the amazing artists and give you contact info for them. CFF has been working hard to marry the worlds of film, art and fashion for the betterment of all. We call it "Trans-media", or Media-Convergence, this notion that your work product isn't just a film or TV show but a creative universe that takes many forms to inter-act with your audience. (The "collide" term, while normally too violent a description did have its use for our headline here, however ;).


For that reason alone you should attend the next Crocker-Con, Comic-Con, art show, etc. You may find your film project expanding in new and exciting ways and/or you may just find your next storyboard artist or concept artist. 

In the brief time I spent at the show I met Michael Calero, a Sacramento based artist whose work has traveled far. I also re-met SPACE WALKER, a musical artist, who had previously collaborated with CFF filmmaker Matthew Gilliam for a music video in our 2016 FASHION ON FILM show.

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