On set with SHOOTLIFE

I had the chance to get on set and I can’t wait to see what outrages outtakes come from the Shootlife production of Janitors the Movie.

Big Mama’s House in South Sac was the location for my first visit to the Shootlife set and according to crew it was a last minute scramble to secure it. Apparently a pipe burst at the original location they had lined up. All I can say good thing it didn’t happen while filming.

Director Nick Leisure, or Nick.L, has a cast of Sacramento all-stars in his full-length feature film. Nick.L are not only the director’s initials, it’s also how Shootlife operates. Janitors is a rare, paid production for the Sacramento area, hence the nickname Nick.L. These guys don’t nickel and dime around.

Cherie Curtis, aka script supervisor, wardrobe, Lupe Gomez character and aspiring rapper said she “made more money from this one film than she ever did rapping.” She also said to look for more film roles from her, because she really enjoyed working on Janitors and she really, really enjoyed getting paid. Sorry rap- game but maybe we’ll get to hear Cherry Red do her thang on the movie soundtrack hint, hint. Wink, wink.

Demetrius Dedmon or should I say “Specialist” from 102.5, portrays Jamal along with sidekick Lil Jimmie played by Patric Davalou.

They both got their start with Shootlife and have been bitten by the bug ever since. Demetrius had a starring role, as Left (he ain’t right), in the comedy Left and Loose in THE LOT, he also played the Thug slash Robber in Root of all Evil, a thirteen minute short about the dirt we do for the all-mighty dollar. Root of all Evil was screened at this year’s Sacramento International Film Festival and took home a best movie award.

You can catch Patric in 100 Elephants, a gritty gangster film, directed by DP, Erick Lee, Nick’s Shootlife partner-in-cinema. That film is currently playing online in the One Cloud Festival. As a newbie to acting, Patric said he really had to channel his character Boss, a no holds barred hard-hitting hoodlum Literally! Still in the running and holding steadfast in the number two spot, 100 Elephants is playing now. It’s not too late to cast your vote. http://onecloudfest.com/fest/#100-elephants

Sacramento songstress, Carla Fleming is also in the colorful cast as Big Mama herself. Her angelic vocals could be heard resonating on set between takes. I think six? I tried to confirm that number with Nick, he agreed nonchalantly, “something like that.” Hey I’ll take whatever info I can get. They can be very long nights. Carla was inspired to pursue acting after her “Weapon’s Down,” music video was selected to SFF and won the best video award. Weapons Down was also a Shootlife production.

Jason Walker is one of the EP’s along with “Han the Man” and a few others.

What happens on set stays on set but I did ear hustle a joke from Han about marrying unattractive girl’s so it hurts less when they leave, Ha!, or Something like that. But let me tell you it works both ways accept for the fact that the guy needs to have money too.

Brittany’s booty was the star or the set. There was a whole line in scene 11 dedicated to it.

Brittany’s character is played by the lovely and lively Kenyea Wheeler. That’s all can say about her, don’t know if she’s of age. Kidding, haha.

California Film Foundation founder Marty Anaya joined me on set the night-morning the film wrapped production. Ramos Towing was the Drop site location and let’s just say it got a little cray, cray.

There were sticks of dynamite, bags of cash, explosions on set, and female cops that looked more like courtesans, but hey, maybe they were undercover. We’ll have to wait for the movie to see.

I also heard a rumor about a naked cop tied to a pole and a

simulated gay sex scene but I didn’t stick around for all that.

The Drop site location had a whole new cast of eclectic characters.

Big Don was there played by Vincent Dee Miles along with Chester as Midget, Jacob as Koo Koo, Jenne as Alicia and the list goes on and on.

Speaking of on and on, Shootlife might not sleep, but I sure had to. At 2am as they were repositioning cameras to shoot close-ups and more endless takes, I was done and had to miss the rest of the fun.

The tireless cast and crew was ‘Still in This’ till the break of dawn and beyond. Now it’s on to pickups and post.

Watch for release dates, Janitors the Movie.

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