Issues of Racial and Social Justice

The issue of racial and social justice has been of great concern in the United States since the country came into existence. In recent times, these problems have escalated significantly, with the reported incidents of increased shootings of unarmed black civilians by white police officers.

The criminal justice system perceives blacks to be criminals, and as a result according to this discussion post the division between the white community and the black one has emerged. Thus, African Americans no longer trust the police, and they doubt the role of the policy in administering justice after the killings of unarmed African-Americans in Ferguson, MO and New York City. Surprisingly, the police officers, involved in the killings, had not yet been prosecuted, which led to the rise of activist groups in support of the movement Black Lives Matter. Cases of retaliations have even been registered in New York. A black man Ismaaiyl Brinsley killed two police officers as a vengeance for the death of two black men Brown and Garner who had been murdered by these police officers. The killings created tensions in the USA and reminded Americans of their dark past where racial segregation was widespread. Blacks were not allowed to publicly mingle with whites in all public places, including schools.

The Trump Presidency has complicated the issue of racial discrimination and social justice since many people view him as a racist. President Trump has openly criticized Muslim Americans and has labeled them terrorists. Immediately after his inauguration, Muslims from some parts of the world were banned from entering theA US, and after a series of legal battles, the ban was lifted. The issue of racial and social justice is a sensitive one, and it should be handled with great caution since it can make or break a country. The USA admired all over the world for having the best type of democracy and for having overcome the issues of racial segregation and social justice. Therefore, people should never be discriminated based on their color, race, gender, origin, and ethnicity because it was something that the forefathers of American had worked so hard to overcome, with the culmination in the passing of the 14th Amendment.

Cases of police killing innocent civilians should be handled with the introduction of small video cameras that police are required to wear while on duty so that they would record everything that happened. At the same time, outside prosecutors should be included to handle police-related crimes.

The issues of racial and social justice have been a sensitive subject in the US history. These issues have been made even worse with the cases of police brutality and recent discrimination of American Muslims because of their religion. The guiding principle in all these cases is the adherence to the rule of law, while everyone should be treated equally. If the law is followed strictly, the segregation based on color, race, gender, and origin will be a thing of the past.

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