Apparition- thriller/horror/drama, feature film – SAG Ultra Low Budget.
An APP designed to connect users with the departed sends a young woman and her friends to a castle with a horrific past, a past that may be an inescapable link to their destiny.
Shooting dates- March 6-28th, 2017
Shoot Location- Ione, CA
Casting Tuesday 3pm - 7pm, Sacramento
Please send a headshot and resume. If you have any video, feel free to send links.
Character breakdown:
*Union & Non – Union talent will be considered
Truck Driver -(Principle) Male, Caucasian, 60s, matter of fact small town senior, selfish, backwoods hick type. Must be a strong actor.
Unruly Boy – (Principle) Male, Caucasian, appearing 10-13 (would be best if older to play younger), obnoxious boy with a will to fight back, quickly learns to be humble after unimaginable discipline. Must be willing to shave his hair. Must be a strong actor willing to show fear, scream and strong reactions.
Mrs White – (Principle) Female, Caucasian, 50-60s, Wardens wife, attractive. Some experience needed.
Maid – (Principle) Female, Hispanic, 40-50, must have accent. Some experience needed.
Featured Boys – (Featured) Boys 10-15, ALL Ethnicies, Scared and terrified boys being hazed and broken into a tough school. Must have confidence in acting and reacting. Needs current entertainment work permit.
Unruly boys brother – (Featured) Male, appearing 8-10yrs (would be best if older to play younger), Must be willing to witness a heavy scene with a bad/ drunk parent threatening the brother and him. Maturity is critical.
Police Officer – (Principle) Male 30-50, Asian or Hispanic in appearance, Must be a strong actor with good improv to appear like an officer stumbling across a
Please send headshot/resume and any demo links to by Monday 2/6/17
– First come first serve as space is limited so submit ASAP!