David Tinsley's Posts (4)

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David was born and raised in Detroit, MI. He has always been fascinated and intrigued by theatre and cinema. David was formally introduced to the craft during his freshman year of undergraduate studies. He minored in Black Theatre while attending the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and felt that it was therapeutic to the somewhat stressful courses required for his Engineering degree. Some of his acting efforts include: GEM OF THE OCEAN (Citizen Barlow); RAISIN IN THE SUN (Moving Man); REVENGE OF A KING (Hamilton King); HEAVEN CAN WAIT (Messenger 7013); HENRY IV (Sir Michael); RUMORS (Officer Welch); and SOMETHING DIFFERENT (Anthony), the first short film in which he produced, wrote, and starred. PRIMA FACIE (Terrence) marks the second short film to be produced, written, and starred by David Tinsley and he is excited to screen the Cine Soul short film at the 2013 Sacramento International Film Festival. He plans to continue producing thought provoking and controversial material that highlights social issues.

David Tinsley (Headshot)

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Prima Facie (Short Film) Synopsis

This is the story of two polarizing individuals whose lives collide on an ordinary day in a poverty stricken city where the crime rate is steadily rising. One man is desperate to make ends meet, while the other is desperate to get home to his lovely wife and daughter. As these men travel together down a long, desolate rode, they discover that things are not what they appeared to be at first sight. One decision can change the course of their entire lives.

Prima Facie Still #3


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