Welcome to CFF,
This network is designed to be a social media hub allowing members many ways to communicate and interact for professional development and the study of media arts. Please enjoy:
Newsletter - Find out all that impacts the world of film making from jobs to industry news and trends. This is all thriller, no filler information for your career.
Video - Members communicate by posting videos and films they're working on, finished films and trailers to upcoming flicks we all should support. MORE INFO
Photos - Members post headshots, publicity stills and other compelling images on the site. Many actors and models use their page as a sort of "electronic zed card".MORE INFO
Blogging - CFF members share information designed to spur further dialog and help edify our community on the film making process. Some are featured on our home page. MORE INFO
Groups- CFF allows individual interest groups that enable members of a particular interest to share knowledge, information and ideas in a more concerted way.MORE INFO
Screenwriter Pass - This is a special pass for the accepted screenwriters to the Sacramento Film festival. In addition this link gives info on our screenwriting group and ongoing education like our American Screenwriting conference.
Video/Poster Contest- This is an opportunity for exposure and free entrance to the Sacramento Film Festival. The idea is producing a promo and/or poster for the event that becomes "viral".
CFF Films on TV - The "CFF Presents" is a series of features and shorts that appear on television. This is an excllent way to catch amazing art that otherwise may not reach a mass audience. film makers are encouraged to apply.