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A Record 33 Teams Turn Out for the 48 Hours Sacramento 2011!

SCRAMENTO March 4th (CFF) —

Over 100 hundred would be participants turned out on a rainy night in March of 2011 to take part in the Cast and Crew Call for the 48 Hour Film Festi

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Comic Books Come to life

With a slew of comic themed films out this year including Thor, Capitain America, Green Lantern and yet another X-Men movie it has me pondering just how far we've come.


In my day we salivated at the mere thought of seeing one of our beloved comic h

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Video Shoot for Agness Twin Video

 I am looking for an actress, mid 20's to early 30's for music video being shot in about 3 weeks. There will be no dialogue spoken.  I am also looking for an artist (drawing) that is possibly looking to add work to his/her portfolio, that can create

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Internet TV: A Practical Application

The Future is Now?? Wow! That was quick!!

by Martin Anaya

Pacifica Community TV Studio Photo (sometime in the 70's)

Among my many hats is the running of a small community TV station in Pacifica that shows classic and foreign films as well as imp

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Future Filmmaking from Dave

Basking in the afterglow of good work released unto an appreciating world, I thought it would be a good idea to announce I was starting a blog. You know, add my voice to the chorus of the hive mind. One little gnat amongst the swarm of locusts. Bzzzz
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IMDB vs. the Independent Film

As most of us know, IMDB is the leading source of finding professional films in this country. If you're not on IMDB, your film isn't considered professional. People look at it as a fun little project you did with no clout in the filmmaking community.
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Of Money and Honor

You gotta sing it. “Money, money, muuuuunay.” What does it do in film and what doesn’t it do? As a film producer I rarely take on a job just for the money. So I have hard time seeing money as anything more than a means to an end. I mean, a lot of us

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My What Small Bowls You Have.

Let’s talk about craft services. During these daze of shrinking budgets you’re going to end up having to do a lot of craft service on your own. The times when you could tack it on to your catering budget is pretty much a memory. But it’s important to

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"Just" a P.A.

Not too long ago I ran into my local café to grab a cup of joe when I heard that sound come from behind me while I stood in line. “Oh hey..David. Do you remember me? We met at the blahditty blah blah.” Now I’m never rude. There are worse things in th
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