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DSLR Video Production Gear

The majority of dSLR shooters require a light gear load as we usually do not have the luxury of a full crew to help carry our stuff. We also might move to several locations in a single day, and more equipment means slower set ups and breakdowns which

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Collaborate with filmmakers...


Hello everyone, I'm pretty much new here and would be glad to know everyone here.

Hopefully collaborate with them for my next feature project.

Check my page whenever you have time...thanks.


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Film makers wanted for open casting call

In conjunction with the opening of the new Mosaic Acting Studio in Lodi, we'd like to have an open casting call on Saturday, September 10.  Media Casting Group will be there, and we'd like to have a few independent film makers join us to accept heads

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NexphraseProductions is excited to announce auditions for a trailer for the screenplay MidNight Bandits.

When: August 20, 2011

Where: 5250 Date Ave Suite A

Sacramento California 95841

Time: 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

MidNight Bandits is about criminals wh

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Thoughts on Teaching Acting

I have been an actress( Theatre, Film, TV)  and a Director of Theatre for many years and never really thought about the merits of it until I started teaching acting classes.  Why we do what we do and does it really matter or does it matter that it ma

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A Record 33 Teams Turn Out for the 48 Hours Sacramento 2011!

SCRAMENTO March 4th (CFF) —

Over 100 hundred would be participants turned out on a rainy night in March of 2011 to take part in the Cast and Crew Call for the 48 Hour Film Festi

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Comic Books Come to life

With a slew of comic themed films out this year including Thor, Capitain America, Green Lantern and yet another X-Men movie it has me pondering just how far we've come.


In my day we salivated at the mere thought of seeing one of our beloved comic h

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Video Shoot for Agness Twin Video

 I am looking for an actress, mid 20's to early 30's for music video being shot in about 3 weeks. There will be no dialogue spoken.  I am also looking for an artist (drawing) that is possibly looking to add work to his/her portfolio, that can create

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Internet TV: A Practical Application

The Future is Now?? Wow! That was quick!!

by Martin Anaya

Pacifica Community TV Studio Photo (sometime in the 70's)

Among my many hats is the running of a small community TV station in Pacifica that shows classic and foreign films as well as imp

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Future Filmmaking from Dave

Basking in the afterglow of good work released unto an appreciating world, I thought it would be a good idea to announce I was starting a blog. You know, add my voice to the chorus of the hive mind. One little gnat amongst the swarm of locusts. Bzzzz
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